Thursday, September 25, 2008

A day in the life of......who else? Me....

So well, another day today. Came to work, made a presentation, met a minister.... Yeah! Today we met a minister! Imagine! We were at the residence of the Home Minister of one of India's western states. So, yeah meeting a Minister, going to his place, speaking to him, shaking hands with him, you'd think its not so big. And you're right. It isn't. It was a HUGE letdown! Its like meeting any other person, only you don't understand what this one is mumbling (hehe..)

And yeah, did I tell you what I did yesterday? I had my extremely belated birthday party at this cool place in town. Well, yeah, it set us back a bit (actually, quite a lot) in terms of money, but it was good fun.

Musings for the day: Sometimes I think, why do people work? To earn a living, right? But why should one earn a living? Is money necessary beyond a point? Shouldn't we all just go back to depending on our parents? Well, yeah, I know what you'll say. Another rich spoilt kid. Yeah, so? I don't care what you think. All I know is that I'm not one of those rich spoilt kids and I still feel that way. Wonder what the really rich spoilt kids would be feeling when thrown into the real world. Maybe they would be coping better. Because, unlike middle-class kids (like moi), they wouldn't have delusions of being able to handle the big bad world on their own...

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