Friday, May 18, 2012

Where is the joy?

Is it me? Or are people actually irritating. I mean, I'm not a misanthrope or anything (or am I?), but then beyond a point, I just can't seem to tolerate certain people. Well, its not the people per se. But the way they behave. I mean, come on, you're out of college now. Please behave like you are civilized. Is that too much to ask from a grown up adult? Or am I just a boring old man?

Just today we were having a conversation with a certain someone on whatsapp about how we both are starved for intelligent conversation. Meaningful dialogue. I have been crying about the same thing. And I was shocked to see that the certain someone was speaking the exact same language. Well, this rant has been going on since we were in Goa. At least there we had Mr. G, B&B and the rest of the troupe (O, I shouldn't forget good Doctor, who's adorable, but in his own little world, which is also adorable). Over here, there's nothing. Nobody. Zilch. Zero. Shunya. And the other night. We took AJ to Nerd Nite. There was a lot of potential to connect to intelligence there, right? But then we didn't even strike a single conversation with the so-called intelligentsia. Why? Diffidence? The fear of rejection? Or am I just too proud to approach someone. I mean, come, I am soooooooooo intelligent. Shouldn't it just flow from my visage and shouldn't people just gravitate to me? Wasn't that how it was supposed to play out? Oh sorry, I think that was a dream.

So, another meaningless rant today, born out of the frustration that we are going through. There aren't any outlets. There isn't any joy. I mean, I could've talked about the helicopter ride that we went for. Or the other nice stuff that we have been doing. Like attending weird American documentary event with free popcorn at Ushahidi / ilab or attending Nerd Nite at the Boulevard Cafe. But no, this post isn't for them. Its just a paean to the frustration that we so love to love.

1 comment:

RG said...

HAHAHAHAAHAH.. sorry had to laugh at the rant.. LOL :D