Friday, March 1, 2013


First of all, and this is a disclaimer, I do not write to be published. It is not a literary work that I'm publishing. I write to vent. I write to put whatever's there in the mind out there.

That done with, over the past few weeks, I've been thinking. What is to be done next in life? I've got two degrees, worked in Goa (\:D/) for 4 years, now I've been in Africa for a year (to the day) and all I can think of is 'WHAT NEXT?'

Having done so many things, Goa, Africa, Engineering, MBA, you'd think now life would be pretty exciting for me. But no, that's not the case. I think excitement comes from within. There, sitting in some far-off corner of the world, maybe even away from satellite / mobile communication, life would be more interesting than sitting at a desk typing out this blog, having nothing worth anything to do with one's life. People would be happier there.

Or is it that I just need a vacation? Don't know. The company thinks I need a vacation once every 6 months. Now, I've been here for a year, and have gone home twice. So, next vacation should be 6 months away, no? No. Its too much. Its Africa, isn't it? It takes its toll on you. Even though you are fully taken care of. You're housed, fed, cared for even better than you were at home. But still, it gets boring, it gets frustrating. Starts coming out of your ears. And there's only so much you can do not to lose it.

Even so, we labor on.... Evermore, like the worker bee that we are...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vacations are the most over-rated, over-hyped and oversold concepts. You dont have vacations to life. You can't shut off from ourself or your thoughts, like switching off you iPhone or in your case an Android. Work is just work, don't let it over consume you. What one needs to do is to distinguish the hairline between the two or how work is a subset of a bigger ecosystem of your life. And, if life were not to throw surprises and keep the suspense, you wouldn't waste it, you would trade it spoor something else very soon, like a job. What next? Wait for it. Patience, I guess, and patience, is highly underrated.

.... And, why don't you write to publish? Try that, for a change.